At MASTERS EXPO 2023, Holland Casino dazzled attendees with its thrilling show, ‘Club Black Jack’. Visitors were taken on an unforgettable journey through Club Black Jack, where the boundaries between dreams and reality blurred. Over the course of five expo days, Holland Casino delivered an impressive 52 theater shows!

Treat, commissioned by TEAM eventmakers for Kumpany, brought the concept, show, production guidance, and even with the voice over, to life.

From the outside, you’d have no idea. Inside, guests of Club Black Jack discovered a fusion of radio play, fairy tale, mini-theater, and nightclub. With live singing, music, acts, dancers, pole dancing, game elements, and more—teasing and pleasing.

Executive Production: Kumpany,

Concept, Art Director, Voiceover: Team Eventmakers: Marcel Pantera,

Show Production: Team Eventmakers: Claudia Vosseberg,

Audio Design, Music: Bart Thimbles,

Light Design & Operation: Team Eventmakers: Sander den Otter & Wessel Wagemans,

Choreography: Team Eventmakers: Pzia,

Lead Role: Margriet Planting,

Dancers: Bengt Rangé, Denzel Giskus, Giorgio Romano van Voorn, Jimmy Raedts, Joey de Koning, Shanan Roele,

Costumes: Ninjin.